Monday, November 26, 2012

Add a Twitter Follower Count to my Website

function twitter_count(){
         $count = get_transient('twitter_count');
    if ($count !== false) return $count;
         $count = 0;
         $dataOrig = file_get_contents('');
   if (is_wp_error($dataOrig)) {
         return 'Error!!!';
         $profile = new SimpleXMLElement ( $dataOrig );
         $countOrig = $profile->followers_count;
         $count = strval ( $countOrig );
set_transient('twitter_count', $count, 60*60*24); // 24 hour cache
return $count;
To use this function, simple echo it wherever you want it.
<?php echo twitter_count(); ?>

Visit for more information on adding followers

Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Website Designed...

We designed the entire website  including the Logo. This is an extremely high moneymaking site that sells not one product. It is a site that is useful to people looking to put a roof over their head.

We built Real Estate, Mortgage, Apartment, Credit Repair, Info on Establishing Credit, Mortgage Tools, and Special Home Ownership Program sections for this site. They are making affiliate money off of every Real Estate Company, Mortgage Company, Bank, Apartment Locator, Credit Repair Company, Credit Cards, etc. If we design your site, we can show you how to make affiliate money as well.