Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Logo Design

This is one of the most interesting logos I have ever had to do.

The Tree of Life is symbolic for connecting and uniting all living things. She wanted to symblize connecting all living things in a loving way so we added hearts to the branches of the tree.


We set up the Blogger for, and we made the logo. She wanted the tree of life to have hearts built into the branches. Hippie Chick Living is a Clean Eating, Green Living, Health & Wellness and Yoga Blog that has really become quite popular.

Please visit us at... for more information

Monday, August 6, 2012

Social Networking

Not only can DFW Ad Genius set up your Social Network we can add a wealth of Fans & Followers that is targeted for your business.

We can set you up on any OR all of the following...

  • Blogger
  • YouTube Business Channel (Make Videos with Success Stories)
  • YouTube Music Channel (For Musicians)
  • Facebook Business
  • MySpace Business
  • MySpace Music (For Musicians)
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Linkedin
  • The Google +
  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Reddit

And yes there are more. We will stay on top of what is getting HOT and what will help your business grow. What makes us different is that we can truly add a wealth of Fans & Followers that are targeted for your business.

Visit us at...

Classified Advertising

Classified Advertising

Specializing in advertising on Craigslist and Backpage for real estate companies, mortgage companies, credit repair companies, car dealerships, car lots & more. We will make your phones absolutely blow up with quality leads. You will need to add more employees once we start your advertising campaign... That's a promise.

For more information visit...

Although we don't do the advertising for you on eBay as WE DO on Craigslist and Backpage, we can show you how to set up a successful campaign on your own.

Visit us at...

Website Design

DFW Ad Genius can design business or e-commerce websites to suit your needs. Our SEO specialists can optimize your site. Once built, we can also teach you how to easily update your site. We can show you how to drive traffic to your site or we can do it for you.

Visit us at...

DFW Ad Genius

DFW Ad Genius will give you the high quality personal service that you require to grow your business.

We offer both business and ecommerce website design. Or SEO team is great at website optimization. We can also teach you how to increase your site traffic if you want to get your elbows dirty or we can do it for you.

We can handle all of your Craigslist and Backpage advertising. Our classified ad campaigns will blow your phones up... GUARANTEED!

We can set up your Blogger & YouTube Channel which are great for Customer reviews... you get to pick the Customers.

We can set up your social network...

• Facebook
• MySpace
• Twitter
• Pinterest
• LinkedIn
• Google Plus
• Digg
• StumbleUpon
• Reddit
 We can even add a wealth of targeted Fans & Followers.

Visit us at...